In this weeks battle I am good

In this weeks battle I am good

Good evening,

I think I should start with a brief explanation of why I'm writing a blog.

My name is Glen; I'm a 25 year old IT Analyst for a well known Stock Exchange in London. No prizes for guessing what it's called. In between projects I get a lot of time to think and ponder, and I came to the following conclusion:

I decided that the urge to do GOOD and the urge to do EVIL walk side by side, and that in order to balance this, I should dedicate one week to doing GOOD deeds and making the world a better place, and the following week doing exactly the opposite in acts of EVIL.

I would be self declared solider in the war of GOOD vs. EVIL and I Glen, would cheat and play for both sides on a bi weekly basis.

I know I should really commit acts of GOOD all the time; I did try for a while. I failed, and frankly it was boring.

This week is a GOOD week, I brought the guys I work with breakfast this morning, and offered to buy cough sweets for Robyn the girl I work with because she has a cold.

I also said the shepherd?s pie my girlfriend cooked for me was delicious, when in reality it tasted like crap.

I also joined a dating site this evening and sent messages to about 100 different women telling them they had 'a great smile!' in reality most of these women are probably venomous harridans, but I'm trying to put some good into the world this week using any guerrilla tactics that come to hand.


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