Sometimes it'sdifficult to be good

Sometimes it'sdifficult to be good

Good morning,


This week is a GOOD week, and so I must commit acts of good wherever possible to bring a bit of joy to the world, next week I will be EVIL again.

I haven't done much GOOD at all today, I think I'm going to go out for lunch in a minute so I will offer to buy my colleagues something to eat while I'm out. Although I did this yesterday so I don't really think it's anything out of the ordinary.

I've decided that I will make another donation the tsunami fund this morning, so far I've donated very little, and those guys out there need the cash a lot more than I do. This technically could be considered a good deed, but when you consider the millions that have already been raised, this is a drop in the ocean. I think I need something else to be considered an agent of GOOD.

As you can probably tell I'm hitting a real stumbling block on finding GOOD things to do.


I've finally managed it! There is a big bloke called Chris who sits at the other end of the office to me, to give you an idea of how big he is, if someone shouted 'Who ate all the pies?' everyone would look over and see Chris with the crumbs on his sweater. He is a big dude.

Anyway I digress, I had a meeting with him just now and I asked him if he'd been working out because he's looking slimmer. I did it with a lot of sincerity because it was a blatant lie, if anything he's got bigger over the festive season. But he seemed quite pleased that I said it, so I think today my mission is accomplished, today I made a fat man feel GOOD.


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