Take it to the streets

Take it to the streets

Good morning,

Yesterday in the battle of GOOD I went out onto the streets. I decided that I would use whatever pocket change I had and give it to a homeless person. This amounted to a grand total of four pound fifty four pence.

However I believe the homeless people of London had the day off yesterday. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find one. Eventually I headed to Charing Cross where I found a gentleman by the name of 'Kevin'. I gave him my money, and he seemed very grateful. I don't believe this is a truly altruistic act of GOOD, as Kevin thanked me fourteen times (I counted) and asked God to bless me twice. I've got to admit it probably made me feel better than it did him.

I now have today and Sunday left to be GOOD, and then I enter the week of EVIL.


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