Not that EVIL this week

Not that EVIL this week

Good afternoon,

This week of EVIL has not seen me up to much. I've tried hard but achieved little. I've been trying to convince several women I work with to ditch their boyfriends and shack up with me, needless to say I failed in this as I think people need more than a little subtle persuasion to make life altering decisions.

My girlfriend gave her piano away to someone last night, so I had to question her sanity as it's quite an expensive item to just give away. I could have done this in a nice fashion, but seeing as this is the week of EVIL I said 'Are you out of your fucking mind?!' This seemed to upset her for about ten minutes, and after that she seemed not that bothered. Whether this is an act of EVIL is debatable I suppose.

I think I need to get more people to start living in this one week of GOOD, one week of EVIL fashion, this will ensure that there are a fresh flow of ideas coming in, so I can never run out of EVIL or GOOD acts to carry out.


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