My punishment for being EVIL

My punishment for being EVIL

Good evening,

This is the penultimate day of me being EVIL, and it would seem I am being punished by whoever controls the Karma.

I was having a romantic moment with my girlfriend and I convinced her to perform oral sex on me in the kitchen. However her socks seem to have conducted some static electricity, which passed from her mouth to my penus shocking us both.

As you can imagine, having electric shocks to your penus is an 'each to their own' type of thing, and not mine or my girlfriend's style, so it sort of ruined the mood.

I also committed another act of EVIL this afternoon whilst my girlfriend and I were at the cinema, she asked if I wanted a drink before we went into the movie, and I said no, and then 3 minutes before it started I asked her to get me a diet coke. She told me to go and get it myself, but I protested strongly on the following grounds:

A) She was nearest to the aisle
B) I paid for the tickets, and so she should pay for the coke
C) If she demanded that I went at and got it, I would make her drive next time we went and pay for the tickets

She relented and went and got the coke, and it was all the sweeter for having sent her.

Another act of EVIL I've been committing during the week is convincing people they've said things they actually haven't.

For example, I started laughing at work the other day for no reason, when asked what I was laughing at, I responded embarrassed 'At what you just said!', the person involved looked confused, and wasn't quite sure what they'd said, and I kept this up for about 5 minutes until they were convinced they were saying things out loud and then forgetting they'd said them.

I plan on sitting around a lot tomorrow and eating, I would consider this a small act of gluttony, whether that can be counted as EVIL, I'm not sure. But I do know that being lazy and pissing off my girlfriend is as EVIL as it gets.


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