16 years (nearly) since the first Batman movie

16 years (nearly) since the first Batman movie

Good evening,

To start this week of EVIL I decided that I would reflect on the past achievements of film-making because it is 16 years since the first Batman was released in 1989. I was 10 years old when this monumental film was released and it got me thinking that I could now legally have consensual sex with a child born in the same year as Batman was released.

So I did.

Tonight I drove to Basildon to meet Kirsten, a 16 year old girl I met on a dating site a few weeks ago. From her web cam footage I was convinced she would put out, and she did. Although she was somewhat disturbed by me asking her to call me 'Batman' and 'Bruce' while I fucked her in the back of my car, which incidentally I had affectionately named 'the bat mobile' for the evening, it was a successful act of EVIL, and I left her at a service station car park dutifully promising never to call her again.

I am now watching Batman whilst typing this entry, and trying to find a girl who I could paint a joker face on and smack around a bit, Gotham style.

Michael Keaton was the best fucking Batman, bar none. He rocks. Anyone who wants to argue that can kiss my ass.


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