It's a fine balance this week.

It's a fine balance this week.

Good Evening,

I can't be sure if my act of GOOD vs. EVIL this week can be considered one or the other. This week is technically a GOOD week, and for those of you not up to speed on my lifestyle choice, each week I swap sides in the war of GOOD Vs EVIL. Last week I was EVIL and had sex with a girl in the car based solely on the fact she was born in the same year as the Tim Burton epic Batman was released. This week I am GOOD.

Now that I've brought you up to speed, the decision I have to make this week is whether splitting up with my girlfriend Paula is an act of GOOD or a self serving EVIL. I've come to the decision that the relationship isn't working and it's time to be honest and constructive and sit down and tell her that it's over because I'm leading her down a garden path, and the longer I put it off the worse it will be.

This will hurt Paula tremendously though, and so surely should have been done last week or alternatively next week? And also I look at the single life with such longing and hope which means that surely it's a selfish desire to become a bachelor again which motivates me, which can surely only be EVIL.

I just don't know any more which side I'm fighting for, but either way a choice has to be made.


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