Good Vs Evil

Welcome to the second day of EVIL

Welcome to day two of my week of EVIL. So far I have barged into 37 people on my way to work, spreading anger and hatred to the workers of London.

I have also sent messages to about 70 women on dating sites telling them 'look prettier' and yet this is only the beginning of my reign of terror.

All will be revealed later this week.


Good by Text

Good Morning,

I went to the pub last night with my best mate Steve. I consider this an excellent GOOD deed because it meant I left my girlfriend Paula alone in the house, she got to watch whatever she wanted on the television and got hammered on a bottle of white.

My next act of GOOD happened in the pub while I was drunk. I sent a text message to everyone in my phones address book proclaiming my undying love for them. So far I've had 24 responses; here are a few of them:

"Who is this?"

"Fuck off"

"You're a twat, but I love you too"

"See you at work on Monday"

"Hello this is your mum, are you coming round for dinner tomorrow"

I think next time I get drunk I'll leave my phone at home; however I did manage to make a few people smile so despite my embarrassment now it was partially worth it.

Today is my last day of GOOD. Tomorrow starts the week of EVIL.


Take it to the streets

Good morning,

Yesterday in the battle of GOOD I went out onto the streets. I decided that I would use whatever pocket change I had and give it to a homeless person. This amounted to a grand total of four pound fifty four pence.

However I believe the homeless people of London had the day off yesterday. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find one. Eventually I headed to Charing Cross where I found a gentleman by the name of 'Kevin'. I gave him my money, and he seemed very grateful. I don't believe this is a truly altruistic act of GOOD, as Kevin thanked me fourteen times (I counted) and asked God to bless me twice. I've got to admit it probably made me feel better than it did him.

I now have today and Sunday left to be GOOD, and then I enter the week of EVIL.


My failure today

Good evening,

Today I did in fact commit a mini act of EVIL, in my pursuit of GOOD this week.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but it's unfortunately true. I was walking back from the coffee shop and a young woman asked me directions to broad street. I have no idea where broad street is, but instead of saying 'Sorry I haven't a clue' I told her for some bizarre reason it was at the bottom of the street and on the right. The poor woman is probably still lost now.

In order to balance this discrepancy in the war of GOOD vs. EVIL, I think I will have to commit a GOOD act next Friday, which will technically be an EVIL week.


Will I last till next week?

Good evening,

I've just talked to Samantha on MSN. No matter how bright the day, no matter how wonderful the world, Samantha will put a downer on it. I tried with the power of GOOD that I could muster to cheer her up. I failed miserably though I think. I'm pretty sure that Samantha is on some kind of prescription drug to make her this miserable. I think it's time for the GOOD of Samantha, and indeed the GOOD of the world, that I swap those downers for uppers.

I'm half way through this weeks GOOD, and I am genuniely struggling. I find myself looking forward to next weeks week EVIL more and more.


Sometimes it'sdifficult to be good

Good morning,


This week is a GOOD week, and so I must commit acts of good wherever possible to bring a bit of joy to the world, next week I will be EVIL again.

I haven't done much GOOD at all today, I think I'm going to go out for lunch in a minute so I will offer to buy my colleagues something to eat while I'm out. Although I did this yesterday so I don't really think it's anything out of the ordinary.

I've decided that I will make another donation the tsunami fund this morning, so far I've donated very little, and those guys out there need the cash a lot more than I do. This technically could be considered a good deed, but when you consider the millions that have already been raised, this is a drop in the ocean. I think I need something else to be considered an agent of GOOD.

As you can probably tell I'm hitting a real stumbling block on finding GOOD things to do.


I've finally managed it! There is a big bloke called Chris who sits at the other end of the office to me, to give you an idea of how big he is, if someone shouted 'Who ate all the pies?' everyone would look over and see Chris with the crumbs on his sweater. He is a big dude.

Anyway I digress, I had a meeting with him just now and I asked him if he'd been working out because he's looking slimmer. I did it with a lot of sincerity because it was a blatant lie, if anything he's got bigger over the festive season. But he seemed quite pleased that I said it, so I think today my mission is accomplished, today I made a fat man feel GOOD.


In this weeks battle I am good

Good evening,

I think I should start with a brief explanation of why I'm writing a blog.

My name is Glen; I'm a 25 year old IT Analyst for a well known Stock Exchange in London. No prizes for guessing what it's called. In between projects I get a lot of time to think and ponder, and I came to the following conclusion:

I decided that the urge to do GOOD and the urge to do EVIL walk side by side, and that in order to balance this, I should dedicate one week to doing GOOD deeds and making the world a better place, and the following week doing exactly the opposite in acts of EVIL.

I would be self declared solider in the war of GOOD vs. EVIL and I Glen, would cheat and play for both sides on a bi weekly basis.

I know I should really commit acts of GOOD all the time; I did try for a while. I failed, and frankly it was boring.

This week is a GOOD week, I brought the guys I work with breakfast this morning, and offered to buy cough sweets for Robyn the girl I work with because she has a cold.

I also said the shepherd?s pie my girlfriend cooked for me was delicious, when in reality it tasted like crap.

I also joined a dating site this evening and sent messages to about 100 different women telling them they had 'a great smile!' in reality most of these women are probably venomous harridans, but I'm trying to put some good into the world this week using any guerrilla tactics that come to hand.


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